Tuesday, March 24, 2009

ohh, just the latest!

It's been a while since I updated, but I figured I would give some of the latest news about my upcoming internship.

First, Africa class has been quite an experience so far! It is 2 and a half hours every Monday night from 6:00 to 8:30, and I feel like any information in that amount can become a little bit tedious. It has been interesting, and we have learned many things about the many cultures and religions in Africa. This weekend, I will be going on a retreat for my class. When we arrive, no one will speak English, only an African tribal tongue. The girls will be making cornmeal mush for dinner, and we will all be sleeping outside in a mud hut. It should be an interesting and preparatory experience! I must admit, I am a little bit nervous.

On Friday, I got all of my shots done! YAY! I must admit,  I was a little bit nervous to get shots by myself. I have always gotten my shots with my mom holding my hand, helping me count the unicorns on the border of my pediatrician's wallpaper. I was brave, even though I didn't get a Strawberry Shortcake bandaid. I got 5 shots, 3 in my left arm (Tetanus, Yellow Fever, and Typhoid Fever) and 2 in my right (Polio, and Meningococcol). Considering my fear of needles, things went pretty well. I got a little bit sick from them, but that only lasted til Saturday night. I am not even sore anymore and I am very glad to have them all done! Plus I can now send away for my VISA since I will actually be LIVING in Uganda! Can't believe it!

We just found out that our trip is most likely going to be moved back a few weeks from the beginning of June until about mid July. On one hand, I am really happy about the change, because I will be able to attend Blake's graduation. However, I am a little disappointed about being away from my family for mine and Landon's birthdays. I know that God has our trip in His hands and has allotted out the perfect time so that we can encounter every person in His plan, and so I am very content to go with the flow and see what exactly it is He has in store.

Right now, I would really appreciate prayers about my nerves. I must admit, going there is very exciting but I also have my worries about it. I am preparing to rough it out there, but I am just getting a little bit of anxiety about being away for that long. 6 weeks is really starting to look like an ominous amount of time to me. It is crazy, because I know once I am over there the people and the place will capture my heart, and leaving will be one of the hardest things for me to do. I am just having a hard time right now getting past the many ways I will be placed outside my comfort zone, and while I know this is an incredibly good thing, it is also an incredibly scary thing all at the same time. Continue to pray that my heart will be romanced by God as my trip comes closer and that I keep Him in focus as I prepare to leave. 

I love you all so much! Thank you for your continued support and prayer!

for His glory, 
heidi alise

