Wednesday, June 10, 2009

today was a wonderful wonderful day!

it didn't start out quite so wonderful today though. i woke up sick from my malaria medicine and thought the terrible headache was a migraine. i took some excedrin migraine right when i got out of bed which made me very very nauseous, just like the first time i took it. Darla is switching me over to the daily kind so hopefully the side effects won't bother me as much. I have been pretty sick today with body aches and low fever and exhaustion. I have been working myself hard. Darla says unless i feel absolutely perfect tomorrow, i can't go to the Sanyu Babies Home, so please be praying that i recover completely and feel amazing! i reallllllllyyyy don't want to miss that.

The girls were ready early today (a first) so we went on to the BLRC to meet Peter. After a while they said to just go on without the boys. We went to the Nursery School, and all on the way Peter kept telling me that the reason we left the boys was because they got in a wreck with Mark and Jamie on the way to the BLRC. Peter likes to get a rise out of me and so i told him he was lying and that wasn't funny. Turns out he wasn't kidding. They got in a wreck, and it wasn't too bad. A truck hit the side of their car and scratched it all down the side and took off their gas tank door. kind of scary considering that i was starting to believe driving here was safe even though it looked dangerous and chaotic. Everyone is ok though, so thats definitely a blessing. 

PS: ty, today someone asked me where i got my awesome bracelet, and i was so excited to say that my wonderful boyfriend made it for me :)

Peter took the girls to this nursery school and all the kids were PRECIOUS. i wanted all of them. We went into one room and played with the littlest kids and sang songs with them like "If You Love Jesus" and "The Lord's Army." It was so fun to dance around and play and love on them. They taught us a song that went 

Jesus is Wonderful
Jesus is Wonderful
Jesus is Wonderful
All the time!
One!: He loves me
Two!: He knows me
Three!: He cares for me
Jesus my Lord!

It was precious and it spoke to my heart so much. One little girl named Julie attached herself to me as soon as i walked in the door, and i couldn't let her go. She just smiled so big and wanted to hold my hand and not let go. i loved her so much immediately. It was so much fun and gave so much joy to my soul. I also go to love on this little boy who was mentally handicapped. The purity of his smile and and joy rocked me completely. 

After that we went back to the BLRC and had some Ugandan lunch and hung out for a while. Peter gave us all names. Mandy is the serious one, Hannah is the baby, and I am the fun one. i took that as a very high compliment. He started out by saying i am the funny one, and when i said "no one has ever said that before!" he said, "you're right. you're the fun one." hahaha sort of backhanded, but definitely a compliment.

After lunch Darla split us up and sent Hannah, Jake, and Mandy to a house visit. Jarron, Tommy, and I went with Peter to a school called Coronation Primary School, so we got to go hang out with elementary age kids. The school was pretty run down, but the liveliness of the kids made it colorful. We visited each grade level and the kids sang us a different "Welcome Visitors!" song in each room. It touched my heart to hear third graders singing "We want to see Jesus lifted high!"It amazing how special these people make you feel. As soon as i walked onto the school, a little girl named Layla grabbed my hand and didn't let go. She walked with me into every room and would just smile up at me with an adorable shy smile. They then assembled the whole school into one room and put Jarron, Tommy, and I in three chairs in the front of everyone. The headmaster said, now our visitors will talk to us about World Bible School. We exchanged concerned faces because we don't actually know anything about World Bible School. Peter just laughed and walked out of the room and Tommy stood up and started making stuff up. It was hilarious. Then Jarron and I did the same, and just laughed because we had no idea what we were even talking about in front of a huge room of students. Then they all stood up and sang a song for us. We went outside, and kids waited in crowds to shake our hands. It was the craziest thing, but i loved getting to interact with them, all the while Layla was by my side holding my hand. Such a little treasure from heaven. We could barely get out of there, because the kids didn't want to let us go. 

Ok, here goes. so. we had somewhere to be at 5, and not a lot of time to get there. Peter took us on the bodas all the way across town through very dense rush hour traffic. it was awesome and terrifying. i love the bodas but they are so dangerous. I was riding side saddle on a motorcycle for 20 minutes weaving through traffic. Jarron and Peter got separated from us and so it was just Tommy and I (loved getting to hang out and talk to him today! such a cool guy). At one point we high fived from our respective motorcycles. During some of the worst parts i had 8 other boda bodas within reaching distance. The scariest part though, was when Tommy and i got separated. I was thinking that this man, who looked to be about my age, could have easily taken me away, or dropped me off somewhere and i would have no phone and no way to get back to the BLRC. i was basically freaking out a little, but then we found Tommy and i was ok. God was my faithful Protector! Darla found out about the rule breaking and Peter was basically a dead man, so that won't be happening again! 

so now i am back, and feeling very sick, so please please pray that i feel 100% by tomorrow so i can go to the Sanyu Babies Home! Prayer is powerful and i need a bit of a miracle! Thank you for your support, prayer, and encouragement. You are such a blessing to me! all my love!

For His Glory,
heidi alise


  1. Well..Ifinally found
    a way to send you a comment I am so pleased and proud of you You are showing so much depth, maturity and love in your writings I love reading them I am praying for y'all and what you will be able to do I also pray for your safety and so much look forward to your getting home and telling all about this journey I love you Grandaddy

  2. Hope you are a
    "all better" today...I am praying for you!
    I love you!

  3. Praying for you to feel better tomorrow! I love you and your blog is amazing- what a treasure you are giving us state side!
    ps i really like the name layla...

  4. Did you know that Jessie has a reason to be thinking about "names?" =) Just wanted to keep you in the loop on all the news here in the ATL!!!

  5. Robin - I got to tell her via FB chat the other day I called you to tell you she was online (I hope you got the message). She was so adorably excited for me- it was neat- the highlight of my day.

    I have my cup of hot tea in hand and am ready to read about your yesterday...I hope this means you felt AMAZING and the day was just so great you couldn't even put it in words last night...I love you and am praying for you!

  6. Heidi,

    I'm glad to read that you are having such amazing experiences I pray that God blesses you more richly than he has already. Be safe and God Bless


  7. when life gets rough, be thankful you aren't in school :)

    loving & missing!


