Friday, June 5, 2009


today we had a bit of a tourist day. we went to the Kasabi Tombs and saw where 4 of the past kings were buried. Fred, Peter, Isaac, and the missionaries took  us there and we went on a tour. it was interesting. After that we went and had lunch at the BLRC which was much better today because i knew what foods to ask for, plus i have gotten a little better at my math skills! all the practice has helped.

after that we went to the Uganda museum and learned about all the different tribes and history of Uganda. This probably would have been very interesting if we would have been able to understand our tour guide. Basically everything i learned came from reading the displays. However, it was REALLY fun to get to hang out with the KCC (kampala  church of christ) guys. They are really wonderful people, and they have been taking such good care if us. 

When we finished there, Darla and Jamie dropped us off at the BLRC and went home. We stayed out there and watched Slumdog Millionaire. It was a fundraiser movie night and it was really cool to meet and hang out with more people. We got popcorn and i had the best chai tea i have ever had! it was great. Watching that movie in this place was really very different than the first time i saw it. I now know what a slum actually looks like. it was so hard to see that movie and attach names and faces to that kind of life story. It was definitely an eye opener.

When the movie was over, it was dark outside. Unlike many African cities, Kampala stays up late. Peter and Fred took us walking through the city to the taxi park so we could catch a taxi to our house. It was just like yesterday, scary, except now we were in the dark too. People all around and traffic flying by. Hannah almost got hit by a taxi van. it was literally blowing by her. No one has any respect for traffic laws here. There are no such thing as lanes and the pedestrian never has the right of way. Hannah and I concluded that it is not the driver's responsibility not to hit you, it is your responsibility not to be hit. Once we got on our taxi, we started heading to our house. The taxi only takes you so far, and it is a very far walk up the hill to our house. About a mile uphill. There are these motorcycles that drive through the city and weave in and out of traffic, and they work like taxis. They are called boda bodas and for 1000 shillings you can ride one. We are not allowed to ride them in the city because they can be VERY dangerous, because of their assertiveness. We are however, allowed to ride them up the hill to our house, so each of us boarded our very own boda boda and rode up to the house. Since the women wear skirts, you have to ride these things side saddle. it was SO much fun! a little bit scary but we all loved it. today was a great day! I love it here!

For His Glory, 
heidi alise


  1. HEIDI! I am so glad you had a day to look around and do the touristy thing in Kampala- I can't wait to hear about the things you saw in the museum and see pictures from this day. I cannot imagine one day seeing a slum and then watching Slumdog Millionare- its so hard to watch without the reality check outside your window. I am VERY glad to hear that you learned so fast that you had to look out for the cars instead of them looking out for you (I literally took a deep breath when I read that you understood that) and I am also in agreement with Gram about being careful around all those men (which I know you know) but I just wanted to reinforce the wonderful upbringing you have had! You are amazing and your blogs have me sitting on the edge of my seat and waiting to read the next one . The blog has also increased my prayer life specifically for you, the people in Kampala, the drivers in Kampala and that those men interested find Jesus and follow the ways of respect as He showed to women in the New Testment! I love you and I am so proud of the amazing work you are doing and the many ways you let Jesus shine through you. God Bless

  2. Yay Yay Yay!! It sounds even more perfect than you were expecting! I'm so glad you are writing so much and I, like Jessie, can't wait to read more! It is so sad even to hear about the poverty level - I can't imagine being right there in the middle of it! I know you are going to continue to learn so much and grow so much in Jesus and I am so excited for you!! I'm continually thinking about and praying for you! Hug yourself for me! I love you so much!


